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ADSM joins Harvard University ISC’s Microeconomics of Competitiveness Affiliate Network

In its keenness to promote excellence and cooperation in the field of higher education, the Abu Dhabi School of Management (ADSM) is proud to announce the addition of The Microeconomics of Competitiveness (MOC) Firms, Clusters, and Economic Development course to its portfolio of courses offered as part of the ADSM MBA program. This course is based on materials developed by Professor Michael Porter and colleagues at the Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness (ISC) at Harvard Business School.

The same MOC course as studied on the ADSM MBA is offered to students at both the Harvard Business School and Harvard Kennedy School and to a select group of approximately 110 Universities worldwide.  The ISC studies competition and its implications for organizational strategy; the competitiveness of nations, regions and cities; and solutions to societal problems. Based at Harvard Business School, the Institute is dedicated to extending the research pioneered by Professor Michael E. Porter and disseminating it to scholars and practitioners around the world.

Following a rigorous application process, ADSM has joined the ISC’s Microeconomics of Competitiveness Affiliate Network which was launched by Professor Porter in 2002.  The MOC Affiliate Network is now represented in more than 66 countries. The MOC affiliate network provides an integrative framework to understand and analyze the drivers of competitiveness. Within this select network MOC faculty and their students research ways to expand the body of knowledge on competitiveness, and become leaders on competitiveness in their regions. Universities and individual research institutes in the MOC Affiliate Network serve as platforms for support in collaborative efforts for competitiveness upgrading.

The MOC course initially provides students with an understanding of key principles of firms, industries, and global competition. It then introduces the analytical tools of diamond and cluster analysis to diagnose locational competitiveness. The course is taught using the case method, complemented by readings, lectures, and case protagonist presentations. MOC faculty are given detailed guidelines and are trained in how to manage the student experience in the classroom.

For more information about the ISC and Professor Porter, please visit the following link:


For a closer look at the Harvard Business School Cluster Mapping portal, please visit the following link:


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