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ADSM Presence at ISME’19 in Amman, Jordan

ADSM participated in the 2nd International Conference on Industrial, Systems and Manufacturing Engineering ISME’19 in Amman, Jordan. ISME’19 focus was about current research and applications in the various fields of industrial, systems and manufacturing engineering.

It is a major forum for presenting the latest research results and developments. The event gives the opportunity to exchange cutting-edge ideas and experiences from Middle East and all over the world. ISME’19 this year was jointly organized by Jordan Engineers Association (JEA) and the German Jordanian University (GJU) with the theme of Innovation and New Technologies. Professor Abdullah Elkwafi Abonamah – President & Provost of ADSM along with Dr. Samar Ali Ismael Shilbayeh – Assistant Professor of Business Analytics held a Session during the Conference on Predicting Student Enrollment and Attrition Patterns in Higher Education. In addition, Dr. Zehra Canan Araci – Assistant Professor of Quality Management talked about Creating knowledge environment during lean product development process of a turbofan jet engine.

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