
Proposal Structure and

Evaluation Criteria

This proposal structure serves as a blueprint for the research plan, ensuring the proposal is organized and methodical for effective evaluation. The evaluation of each proposal is based on the above outlined structure is a comprehensive process that assesses various dimensions of the proposed research. A well-structured and compelling proposal, addressing each section effectively, is more likely to receive favorable evaluations. It is through this rigorous evaluation process that research proposals contribute to the advancement of knowledge and the development of impactful research projects at ADSM. faculty are encouraged to carefully craft their proposals, considering each section’s role in conveying the project’s potential and significance to reviewers and the broader academic community.

Title Page

The title page is the initial point of contact, providing essential information about the researcher and the project’s context. Reviewers assess the clarity of the project title, the qualifications of the researcher and collaborators, and the institutional affiliation. An effective title page establishes credibility and sets the stage for the evaluation process. The title page should include:

  • Project title
  • Your name- area of specialty and experience
  • Collaborators names- areas of specialty and experiences
  • Institutions and academic program names


The introduction section offers a glimpse into the research project’s objectives and significance. Reviewers closely examine the clarity of the project’s goals, its alignment with ADSM’s strategic objectives, current knowledge, and the research questions or hypotheses. An effective introduction should clearly articulate the research’s rationale and potential contributions to the field. The introduction must include:

  • Brief overview of the project
  • Significance and relevance of the research
  • Research questions or hypotheses

Literature Review

The literature review serves as the foundation for any research proposal. Reviewers assess the depth and breadth of the review, evaluating the researcher’s ability to identify existing gaps in knowledge. An effective literature review demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of prior research and convincingly establishes the need for the proposed study. Literature review must include:

  • Overview of existing research
  • Identification of gaps in current knowledge
  • How your research addresses these gaps

Research Design and Methods

This section outlines the methodology and research approach to be employed. Reviewers scrutinize the methodology for its appropriateness, feasibility, and alignment with the research questions. They evaluate the proposed data collection and analysis methods, as well as any specialized tools or technologies. A well-structured research design instills confidence in the proposal’s potential to yield meaningful results. It must include”

  • Detailed methodology
  • Data collection and analysis methods
  • Any tools or technologies used

Contribution to Knowledge

The contribution to knowledge section provides insight into the research’s expected outcomes and impact. Reviewers assess whether the proposed study has the potential to advance the field and generate valuable insights. A compelling contribution to knowledge adds significance to the proposal and underscores its importance. In addition, an impact of our community, faculty, and/or students is also desirable. This section must include:

  • Expected outcomes of the project
  • Potential impact and contribution to the field, community, and/or students

Reference List

The reference list is examined for accuracy and completeness. Reviewers verify that all sources cited in the proposal are properly referenced, ensuring academic integrity. A well-crafted reference list reflects the researcher’s commitment to thorough and ethical scholarship.

  • Citations of all sources referenced

Research Schedule

The research schedule outlines the timeline for the project’s execution. Reviewers evaluate the feasibility of the proposed timeline and its alignment with the project’s scope and objectives. A realistic and well-structured schedule demonstrates effective project management and planning.

  • Timeline for the project


The budget section provides transparency regarding the financial requirements of the research project. Reviewers assess the appropriateness of the budget in relation to the proposed activities and objectives. A clear and justifiable 10k budget enhances the proposal’s credibility.

  • Detailed budget related to the 10k AED assigned to the  project


Dr. Miroslav Mateev
Professor of Management and Director of Research

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