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AI Management Institute Workshop on the latest applications of AI from Managerial Perspectives

ADSM’s AI Management Institute (AIMI) hosted a free hybrid workshop to the public on the latest applications of AI in a Variety of Industry Verticals from Managerial Perspectives.

President & Provost, Professor of Computing, Machine Learning and Analytics, Dr. Abdullah El-Kwafi Abonamah gave a complete introduction to AI (Types, History, Future, challenges and advantages). Academic Dean – Dr Marc Poulin gave an overview about AIMI, it’s collaborations and upcoming planned activities. Dr. Davide La Torre from AI Center, SKEMA Business School in France presented about the latest Applications of AI. He discussed the business benefits of AI, AI trends in 2023, AI Analytics, Different types of machine Learning and AI platforms. The workshop was great success as it offered a unique opportunity to participants to hear from industry leaders who gave insights into how AI is revolutionizing the way business is done.



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