
MBA Faculty


List of MBA Faculty Publications 2017-2023

  1. Ajayan, S., Balasubramanian, S., & Ramachandran, S. (2022). Benchmarking the research performance of United Arab Emirates with gulf cooperation council countries – A bibliometric study. Frontiers in Education 7, 792548. (Scopus List, Q2).
  2. Al Masaeid, T. James, W. F., Ramachandran, S., & Zahran, A. R. (2021). The Effectiveness of the Lesson Study Strategy on Classroom Practices Among University Students. Review of International Geographical Education (RIGEO), 11(5), 2237-2251 (SJR /Scopus list, Q3).
  3. Alshwayat, D., Elrehail, H., Shehadeh, E., Alsalhi, N., Shamout, M. D., & Rehman, S. U. (2023). An exploratory examination of the barriers to innovation and change as perceived by senior management. International Journal of Innovation Studies, 7(2), 159-170.
  4. Aljuhmani, H.Y.Elrehail, H.Bayram, P., & Samarah, T. (2022). Linking social media marketing efforts with customer brand engagement in driving brand loyalty. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics (Publication date: 18 October 2022).
  5. Alshamaileh, M. O. F., Abuhjeeleh, M., Harazneh, I., & Elrehail, H. (2022). Tour guides as a supportive tool for the experiential image of Jordan’s destination: a French tourists’ perspective. Journal for Global Business Advancement, 15(4), 488–504. https://doi.org/10.1504/JGBA.2022.130418.
  6. Aljuhmani, H.Y., Ababneh, B., Emeagwali, L. & Elrehail, H. (2022). Strategic stances and organizational performance: Are strategic performance measurement systems the missing link? Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, Vol. ahead-of-print https://doi.org/10.1108/APJBA-09-2021-0445.
  7. Al-Okaily, M., Alqudah, H., Al-Qudah, A. A., Al-Qadi, N. S., Elrehail, H., & Al-Okaily, A. (2022). Does financial awareness increase the acceptance rate for financial inclusion? An empirical examination in the era of digital transformation. Kybernetes, Vol. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/K-08-2021-0710.
  8. Akhter, F., Hossain, M. R., Elrehail, H., Rehman, S. U., & Almansour, B. (2022). Environmental disclosures and corporate attributes, from the lens of legitimacy theory: a longitudinal analysis on a developing country. European Journal of Management and Business Economics, (ahead-of-print). https://doi.org/10.1108/EJMBE-01-2021-0008.
  9. Alzoubi, H. M., Elrehail, H., Hanaysha, J. R., Al-Gasaymeh, A., & Al-Adaileh, R. (2022). The Role of Supply Chain Integration and Agile Practices in Improving Lead Time During the COVID-19 Crisis. International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology (IJSSMET), 13(1), 1-11.
  10. Alsaad, A., Elrehail, H., & Saif‐Alyousfi, A. Y. (2022). The interaction among religiosity, moral intensity and moral certainty in predicting ethical consumption: A study of Muslim consumers. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijcs.12688 \.
  11. Al Kurdi, B., Elrehail, H., Alzoubi, H. M., Alshurideh, M., & Adaileh, R. (2021). The Interplay Among HRM Practices, Job Satisfaction and Intention to Leave: An Empirical Investigation. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, Vol. 24, Special Issue 1.
  12. Alsaad, A., Taamneh, A., Sila, I., & Elrehail, H. (2021). Understanding the global diffusion of B2B E-commerce (B2B EC): An integrated model. Journal of Information Technology. https://doi.org/10.1177/0268396220961396.
  13. Alsaad, A., Saif-Alyousfi, A.Y.H. & Elrehail, H. (2021). Religiosity, idealism, and ethical consumption: the mediating effect of perceived customer effectiveness and moral obligation. Journal of Social Marketing, Vol. 11 No. 1, pp. 25-43.
  14. Adaileh, M. J., Alrawashdeh, M., Elrehail, H., & Aladayleh, K. J. (2020). Assessing the nexus between knowledge management and firm performance: A data article. Data in brief, 32, 106283.
  15. Alatailat, M., Elrehail, H. & Emeagwali, O.L. (2019), “High performance work practices, organizational performance and strategic thinking: A moderation perspective”, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Vol. 27 No. 3, pp. 370-395.
  16. Abubakar, A. M., Elrehail, H., Alatailat, M. A., & Elçi, A. (2019). Knowledge management, decision-making style, and organizational performance. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 4(2), 104-114.
  17. Alzghoul, A., Elrehail, H., Emeagwali, O.L. and AlShboul, M.K. (2018). Knowledge management, workplace climate, creativity and performance: The role of authentic leadership. Journal of Workplace Learning, Vol. 30 No. 8, pp. 592-612.
  18. Adaileh, M. J., & Elrehail, H. (2018). E-business supply chain collaboration measurement scale: a confirmatory approach. Int. J. Supply Chain Manag, 7(5), 22-34.
  19. Abuhjeeleh, M., Elrehail, H., & Harazneh, I. (2018). The experiential image of North Cyprus destination as perceived by German tourists. Journal for Global Business Advancement, 11(5), 630-649.
  20. Alnajdawi, S., Emeagwali, O. L., & Elrehail, H. (2017). The interplay among green human resource practices, organization citizenship behavior for environment and sustainable corporate performance: evidence from Jordan. Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management, 5(3), 171-184.
  21. Al Abri,S., Taghizadeh S.K., Khan G.M., & Rahman S.A. (2021) Exploratory Innovation, Exploitative Innovation and Operational Performance: Influence of Informal Social Relations in Environmental Competitiveness. Quality & Quantity.
  22. AlGhamdi, M.S., & Durugbo, C.M. (2023). Business-to-business co-creation management practices for intellectual property value: Insights from Saudi Arabia, World Patent InformationVolume 72, March 2023, 102
  23. Al-Balushi, Z., & Durugbo, C.M. (2023). A unified model of supply risk mitigation. Computers & Industrial EngineeringVolume 177, March 2023, 109019.
  24. AlMalki, H.A., & Durugbo, C.M. (2023). Evaluating critical institutional factors of Industry 4.0 for education reform. Technological Forecasting and Social ChangeVolume 188, March 2023, 122327
  25. Alfoudari, A.M.Durugbo, C.M., & Aldhmour, F.M. (2023). Exploring quality attributes of smart classrooms from the perspectives of academics. Education and Information Technologies (Published: 24 March 2023). DOI:1007/s10639-022-11452-3.
  26. AlEssa, H.S., & Durugbo C.M., (2022). Understanding innovative work behaviour of women in service firms. Services Business (Impact factor: 2.791) (SJR/Scopus list, Q1).
  27. AlMalki, H.A., & Durugbo C.M., (2022). Systematic review of institutional innovation literature: towards a multi-level management model, Management Review Quarterly, 10.1007/s11301-022-00259-8 (Impact factor: 4.421) (SJR/Scopus list, Q1).
  28. AlNoaimi, H.A., & Durugbo C.M., Al-Jayyousi O., (2022). Between dogma and doubt: a meta-synthesis of innovation in the public sector, Australian Journal of Public Administration, 10.1111/1467-8500.12501 (Impact factor: 1.800) (SJR/Scopus list, Q2).
  29. AlMalki, H.A., & Durugbo C.M., (2022). Investigating institutional readiness for Industry 4.0 education: towards an inclusive innovation model, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, 10.1080/19761597.2022.2056492 (Impact factor: 1.769) (SJR/Scopus list, Q3).
  30. AlEssa, H.S., & Durugbo C.M., (2022). Systematic review of innovative work behavior concepts and contributions. Management Review Quarterly, 10.1007/s11301-021-00224-x (Impact factor: 4.421) (SJR/Scopus list, Q1).
  31. AlMusawi, H.A., Durugbo C.M., & Bugawa, A., (2021). Wearable technologies in education: a systematic review, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 14(4), 540-554 (Impact factor: 3.72) (SJR/Scopus list, Q1).
  32. AlMusawi, H.A., Durugbo C.M., & Bugawa, A., (2021). Innovation in physical education: teachers’ perspectives on readiness for wearable technology integration, Computers & Education, 167, 104185. (Impact factor: 5.296) (SJR/Scopus list, Q1).
  33. Alfoudari, A.M., Durugbo C.M., & Mosleh, F., (2021). Smart classrooms: a systematic review of technological and social factors, Computers & Education, 173, 104282. (Impact factor: 5.296) (SJR/Scopus list, Q1).
  34. AlGhamdi, M. S., & Durugbo C. M., (2021). Strategies for managing intellectual property value: A systematic review. World Patent Information, 67, 102080. (SJR/Scopus list, Q2).
  35. Al-Jayyousi O., & Durugbo C.M., (2021). Co-creative learning in innovation laboratories using Lego Serious Play workshops, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 17(7), 2050051. (Impact factor: 0.72) (SJR/Scopus list, Q3).
  36. AlSaad, F.M., & Durugbo C.M., (2021). Gamification as innovation: a review, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 18(05), 2130002. (Impact factor: 0.72) (SJR/Scopus list, Q3).
  37. Al-Balushi Z., & Durugbo C., (2020). Management strategies for supply risk dependencies: empirical evidence from the Gulf, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 50(4), 457-481. (Impact factor: 4.744) (SJR/Scopus list, Q1).
  38. Al Najar, H.A., Ali, A., & Jones, A. (2021). Leadership From Dark Triad Perspective In Multiple Types of Organization: A Discovery Of Nature And Style of Leaders in Government, Semi Government and Private Sector. International Journal of Management (IJM), 12(4), 628-641. (Indexed in: SCOPUS).
  39. Alavi, S.T., Rabah, S., & Jones, A. (2021). Studying Transactional and Transformational Leader and Leadership in Government and Private Organizations in UAE. International Journal of Management (IJM), 12(4), 808-820. (Indexed in: SCOPUS).
  40. Ali, M., Alshamsi, K., & Jones, A. (2021). The Relevance of Emotional Intelligence for Leadership-UAE Context. International Journal of Management (IJM), 12(4), 583-596. (Indexed in: SCOPUS).
  41. Al Hemeiri, A., Al Bayedh, A., & Jones, A. (2021). The Influence of Leadership Coaching on Employee Motivation, Job Satisfaction, and Employee Performance. International Journal of Management (IJM), 12(4), 597-609. (Indexed in: SCOPUS).
  42. Abu Salim, T., Onyia, O.P., Harrison, T., & Lindsay, V.J. (2017). Effects of Perceived Cost, Service Quality, and Customer Satisfaction on Health Insurance Service Continuance. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 22(4), 173-186. (Journal Ranking B on ABDC list)
  43. Baber, H., Deepa, V., Elrehail, H., Poulin, M., & Mir, F.A. (2023), Self-directed learning motivational drivers of working professionals: confirmatory factor models, Higher Education, Skills, and Work-Based Learning, 13(3), 625-642.
  44. Baber, H.Kusumarani, R., & Yang, H.C. (2022). U.S. Election 2020: Intentions to Participate in Political Crowdfunding during COVID-19 Pandemic. Administrative Sciences, 2022, 12(3), 77.
  45. Baber, H., & Fanea-Ivanovici, M. (2022). Fifteen years of crowdfunding–a bibliometric analysis. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 1-15. (Impact Factor =2.874) (ABDC-B) (Q2)
  46. Baber, H. (2022). Does gender have any effect on political crowdfunding? An empirical analysis from India. Gender, Technology and Development, 26(2), 263-283. (Q2)
  47. Tinmaz, H., Lee, Y. T., Fanea-Ivanovici, M., & Baber, H. (2022). A systematic review on digital literacy. Smart Learning Environments, 9(1), 1-18. (Q1)
  48. Baber, H., Fanea-Ivanovici, M., Lee, Y. T., & Tinmaz, H. (2022). A bibliometric analysis of digital literacy research and emerging themes pre-during COVID-19 pandemic. Information and Learning Sciences (March 10) 123(3-4), 214-232
  49. Baber, H.Ramkissoon, H., Salem, I. E., Ghasemi, V., & Munim, Z. H. (2022). Hospitality enterprises’ revival through crowdfunding: a cross-country study Consumer Behavior in Tourism and Hospitality, 17(4), 396-412.
  50. Baber, H., & Fanea-Ivanovici, M. (2021). What Drives People to Crowdfund Movies and Web Series? The Mediating Role of Perceived Trust and Risk. Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, 3(55), 279-296 (IF = 0.978) (ABDC-C).
  51. Baber, H. (2021). Efficacy of COVID-19 screening system and customer satisfaction in Banks – Moderating role of the perceived threat & health risk. Journal of Financial Services Marketing. (ABDC-B) (Q2).
  52. Baber, H. (2021). Financial Inclusion and Crowdfunding- A study of European Countries. Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research, 22(2), 37-48.
  53. Baber, H. (2021). Religiosity and Intention to Participate in Donation-Based Crowdfunding. Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion, 18(3), 218-237. (ABDC-C) (Q1).
  54. Baber, H. (2021). Examining the Intentions to Use Crowdfunding Platform-An Extended Technology Acceptance Model. International Journal of Services, Economics and Management, 12(2), 149–163.
  55. Baber, H., Kusumarani, R., & Yang, H. C. (2022). US Election 2020: Intentions to Participate in Political Crowdfunding during COVID-19 Pandemic. Administrative Sciences, 12(3), 77. (Scopus Q2).
  56. Baber, H. (2022). Entrepreneurial and Crowdfunding Intentions of Management Students in South Korea. World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 18, (1), 47–61. (Scopus Q1).
  57. Baber, H., & Fanea-Ivanovici, M. (2021). Motivations behind backers’ contributions in reward-based crowdfunding for movies and web series. International Journal of Emerging Markets, (IF = 2.488) (ABDC-B) (Scopus Q2)
  58. Baber, H. (2021). Modelling the acceptance of e-learning during the pandemic of COVID-19-A study of South Korea. The International Journal of Management Education, 100503. (IF = 2.707) (ABDC-C) (Q1)
  59. Baber, H., & Tripati, R. D. (2021). The price of the lockdown: The effects of social distancing on the Indian economy and business during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ekonomski horizonti, 23(1), 85-99.
  60. Baber, H. (2021). Social interaction and effectiveness of online learning–A moderating role of maintaining social distance during the pandemic COVID-19. Asian Education and Development Studies. 11 (1), 159-171
  61. Baber, H. (2020). Intentions to participate in political crowdfunding-from the perspective of civic voluntarism model and theory of planned behavior. Technology in Society, 101435. (IF = 4.192) (ABDC-C) (Scopus Q1).
  62. Baber, H. (2020). Secrets of Successful Crowdfunding Campaigns. Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Journal. 11 (2), 17-30
  63. Baber, H. (2020). Spillover effect of COVID-19 on the Global Economy. Transnational Marketing Journal (TMJ), 8(2), 177-196.
  64. Baber, H. (2020). Determinants of Students’ Perceived Learning Outcome & Satisfaction in Online Learning during the Pandemic of COVID-19. Journal of Education & E-Learning Research, 7(3), 285-292.
  65. Baber, H. (2020) Impact of FinTech on customer retention in Islamic banks of Malaysia, Int. J. Business and Systems Research, 14 (2), 217–227.
  66. Baber, H. (2019) Influence of Religiosity on the Behavior of Buying Sports Apparel: A Study of the Muslim Market Segment in India, Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, 10(2), 212–226.
  67. Baber, H. (2019). Financial inclusion and FinTech: A comparative study of countries following Islamic finance and conventional finance. Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, 12(1), 24-42. (ABDC-B).
  68. Baber, H. (2019). Relevance of e-SERVQUAL for determining the quality of FinTech services. International Journal of Electronic Finance, 9(4), 257-267.
  69. Baber, H. (2019). FinTech, Crowdfunding and Customer Retention in Islamic Banks. Vision.24(3), 260-268 (ABDC-C).
  70. Baber, H. (2019). Subjective Norms and Intention-A Study of Crowdfunding in India. Research in World Economy, 10 (3), 136-146.
  71. Baber, H. (2019). Service Quality Perception and Its Impact on Customer Satisfaction in Islamic Banks of Malaysia. Malaysian Journal Of Consumer And Family Economics, 22(1), 1-18
  72. Baber, H. (2019). Blockchain-Based Crowdfunding: A ‘Pay-it-Forward’ Model of WHIRL.  International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 3225-3229
  73. Baber, H. (2019). Factors Underlying Attitude Formation towards Crowdfunding in India. International Journal of Financial Research, 10(4). 46-54.
  74. Baber, H. (2019). Service quality gap-a tale of two companies. International Journal of Services, Economics and Management, 10(1), 23-33.
  75. Baber H. (2019), A framework for Crowdfunding platforms to match services between funders and fundraisers. Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, 10(4), 25-31.
  76. Baber, H. (2019). E-SERVQUAL & Its Impact on the Performance of Islamic Banks in Malaysia from the Customer’s Perspective. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 6(1), 169-175. (Scopus Q2).
  77. Baber, H. (2018) Service quality perception of customers – a study of Toyota motors in India, Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, 9(2), 311-323.
  78. Baber, H. (2018) How crisis-proof is Islamic finance? A comparative study of Islamic finance and conventional finance during and post financial crisis, Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, 10(4), 415-426. (ABDC-B)
  79. Baber, H. (2018). Factors Influencing the Intentions of Non-Muslims in India to Accept Islamic Finance as an Alternative Financial System. Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, 7(1), 317-323.
  80. Baber, H., & Zaruova, C. (2018). Religion and Banking: A Study of Islamic Finance in India. Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, 9(6), 7-13.
  81. Baber, H. (2017), A comparative study of Islamic Housing Finance Models and Issues, Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, 9 (2), (ABDC-B)
  82. Bedarkar M, Urvashi, Mishra, , & Santosh (2018). Analysis of Global River Restoration Experiences: Learnings and Policy Measures in Indian Context, Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution, Vol. 15, No. 2 (2018), pp. 203–215. (Scopus Q 4).
  83. Bedarkar M, Mishra M., & Gupta D. (2018). Make in India: Implications on Manufacturing Sector, International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, No.15, Issue No.: 16, 273-286 (Scopus Indexed).
  84. Bedarkar, M., Mishra, M., & Khatwani, R. (2020). Leveraging social media in Facilitating Women Entrepreneurs in India: A Case Study of PULA. International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (Scopus Q2).
  85. Bedarkar, M. & Mishra, M. (2021). Mula-Mutha to Flow on Sabarmati Lines: Exploring Alternatives. Economic & Political Weekly. (ABDC list- rank B /Scopus list, Q2).
  86. Chande, K., Kanekar, R., Nair, K., Amandykova, D., Addanke, S., & Zhaina, T. (2022). Enhanced Recurrent Neural Network for Reducing Carbon Foot Printing in Industry. 2022 Sixth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC).
  87. Chanchaichujit, J., Sarabdeen, J., Balasubramanian, S., & Lindsay, V.J. (2022). A Theoretically Derived Measurement Model of Employer Branding and Its Implication in Managing Workforce. Journal of General Management (forthcoming) (Impact Factor 0.53; B on ABDC list).
  88. Dang, V.H., & Lindsay, V J. (2018). An Investigation of Foreign Exchange Risk Management by New Zealand and Vietnamese Exporting Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, Journal of Economics, Business and Management 6(4), 167-174.
  89. Dang, V. H., & Lindsay, V.J. (2018). An investigation of foreign exchange risk management by New Zealand and Vietnamese Exporting Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, 7th International Conference on Economics Business and Marketing Management (CEBMM), Da Nang, Vietnam, February 23-25, 2018.
  90. Dang, V.H. & Lindsay, V.J. (2022). Determinants of Hedging Strategy in Foreign Exchange Risk Management by Exporting SMEs: The Mediating Role of Resources. Journal of General Management (forthcoming Nov 2021). (Impact Factor 0.53; B on ABDC list)
  91. Deepa, V., Baber, H., Shukla, B., Sujatha, R., & Khan, D. (2023). Does lack of social interaction act as a barrier to effectiveness in work from home? COVID-19 and gender. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 10(1), 94-111.
  92. Deepa, V., Sujatha, R., & Baber, H. (2022). Moderating role of attention control in the relationship between academic distraction and performance. Higher Learning Research Communications, 12(1), 64–80.
  93. Deepa, V., Sujatha, R., & Baber, H. (2021). Ageing and Learning Agility –Mediating role of learning perception and Moderating role of technology leverage. International journal of lifelong education (Scopus Q2).
  94. Durugbo C.M., Al-Mahamid S.M., Budalamah L.H., Al-Jayyousi O., & BendiMerad B., (2022). Managing regional logistics in times of crisis: a Covid-19 case study, Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 12 (1), 54-77 (SJR/Scopus Q1)
  95. Durugbo C.M., & Al-Balushi Z., (2022). Supply chain management in times of crisis: systematic review and theoretical implications, Management Review Quarterly. 10.1007/s11301-022-00272-x (Impact factor: 4.421) (SJR/Scopus Q1).
  96. Durugbo C.M., Al-Mahamid S.M., Budalamah L.H., Al-Jayyousi O., & BendiMerad B., (2022). Preparedness for innovation in times of crisis: Lessons from the initial COVID-19 pandemic response, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 19 (6), 2140012 (Impact factor: 0.72) (SJR/Scopus Q3).
  97. Durugbo C., Al-Balushi Z., Anouze A. M., & Amoudi O., (2021). Competitive priorities for regional operations: A Delphi study, Production, Planning and Control, 32(15), 1295-1312 (Impact factor: 3.605) (SJR/Scopus Q1).
  98. Durugbo C., Amoudi O., Al-Balushi Z., & Anouze A. M., (2021). Wisdom from Arabian networks: a review and theory of regional supply chain management, Production, Planning and Control, 32(15), 1265-1281 (Impact factor: 3.605) (SJR/Scopus Q1).
  99. Durugbo C., (2021). Eye tracking for work-related visual search: a cognitive task analysis. Ergonomics, 64 (2), 225-240. (Impact factor: 2.190) (SJR/Scopus Q1).
  100. Durugbo C.M., (2020). Affordance-based problem structuring for workplace innovation. European Journal of Operational Research, 284(2), 617-631. (Impact factor: 4.213) (SJR/Scopus Q1).
  101. Durugbo C., Al-Balushi Z., Anouze A. M., & Amoudi O., (2020). Critical indices and model of uncertainty perception for regional supply chains: insights from a Delphi-based study, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 25(5), 549-564. (Impact factor: 4.725) (SJR/Scopus Q1).
  102. Durugbo C.M., (2020). After-sales services and aftermarket support: a systematic review, theory and future research directions. International Journal of Production Research, 58(6), 1857-1892. (Impact factor: 4.577) (SJR/Scopus Q1).
  103. Durugbo C.M., Al-Jayyousi O., & Al-Mahamid S., (2020). Wisdom from Arabian creatives: systematic review of innovation management literature for the Gulf Cooperation Council region, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 17 (6), 2030004-1-48 (Impact factor: 0.72) (SJR/Scopus Q3).
  104. Durugbo C., & Amoah J., (2019). Global sustainability under uncertainty: how do multinationals craft regulatory policies? Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 26(6), 1500-1516. (Impact factor: 4.542) (SJR/Scopus Q1).
  105. Elrehail, H., Aljahmani, R., Taamneh, A. M., Alsaad, A. K., Al-Okaily, M., & Emeagwali, O. L. (2023). The role of employees’ cognitive capabilities, knowledge creation and decision-making style in predicting the firm’s performance. EuroMed Journal of Business, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print). https://doi.org/10.1108/EMJB-03-2022-0057
  106. Elrehail, H., Rehman, S. U., Chaudhry, N. I., & Alzghoul, A. (2021). Nexus among cyberloafing behavior, job demands and job resources: A mediated-moderated model. Education and Information Technologies, 26(4), 4731–4749.
  107. Elrehail, H. (2018). The relationship among leadership, innovation, and knowledge sharing: A guidance for analysis. Data in brief, 19, 128-133.
  108. Elrehail, H., Emeagwali, O. L., Alsaad, A., & Alzghoul, A. (2018). The impact of transformational and authentic leadership on innovation in higher education: The contingent role of knowledge sharing. Telematics and Informatics, 35(1), 55-67.
  109. Elrehail, H., Behravesh, E., Abubakar, A. M., Obeidat, S. M., Alsaad, A., Cizreliogullari, M. N., & Alatailat, M. (2021). High-performance work systems, psychological capital and future time perspective: a cross-nation study Title. European Journal of International Management. https://doi.org/10.1504/EJIM.2021.10038441.
  110. Elrehail, H., Harazneh, I., Abuhjeeleh, M., Alzghoul, A., Alnajdawi, S. & Ibrahim, H.M.H. (2020). Employee satisfaction, human resource management practices and competitive advantage: The case of Northern Cyprus”, European Journal of Management and Business Economics, Vol. 29 No. 2, pp. 125-149.
  111. Erkoyuncu, J.A., Roy, R., Shehab, E., Durugbo, C., Khan, S. & Datta, P., (2019). An effective uncertainty-based framework for sustainable industrial product-service system transformation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 208, 160-177. (Impact factor: 7.246) (SJR/Scopus Q1).
  112. Fahim, P., Rezaei, j., Jayaraman, R., Poulin, M., Montreuil, B., and Tavasszy, L., (2021)., The Physical Internet and Maritime Ports: Ready for the Future? IEEE Engineering Management Review, 49 (4), 136-149. doi: 10.1109/EMR.2021.3113932.
  113. Fanea-Ivanovici, M., Baber, H., Pană, M. C., & Manole, A. M. (2022). Consumption of Cinema and Substitutes – At the Crossroads during the Pandemic. Quarterly Review of Film and Video, 1-24.
  114. Fanea-Ivanovici, M., & Baber, H. (2022). Sustainability at Universities as a Determinant of Entrepreneurship for Sustainability. Sustainability, 14(1), 454 (Scopus Q1).
  115. Fanea-Ivanovici, M., & Baber, H. (2021). Predicting entrepreneurial and crowdfunding intentions through the theory of planned behaviour and the role of entrepreneurship education – a study of Romania and South Korea. The Amfiteatru Economic journal, 23 (15), 1003-1014 (IF = 1.983) (Scopus Q2).
  116. Fanea-Ivanovici, M., & Baber, H. (2021). Crowdfunding model for financing movies and web series. International Journal of Innovation Studies, 5(2), 99-105. (Scopus Q2)
  117. Fanea-Ivanovici, M., & Baber, H. (2021). The Role of Entrepreneurial Intentions, Perceived Risk and Perceived Trust in Crowdfunding Intentions. Engineering Economics, 32(5), 433–445 (IF = 1.520) (ABDC-B) (Scopus Q2).
  118. Gupta, R., Nair, K.S. & Radhakrishnan, L. (2021). Impact of COVID-19 crisis on stocking and impulse buying behaviour of consumers. International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 48 No. 12, pp. 1794-1809.
  119. Gupta, R., & Nair, K.S. (2021). Celebrity Endorsement on Instagram: Impact on Purchase Intention. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, Vol 20 Issue 6S-Q3.
  120. Gupta, R., & Nair, K.S. (2021). Try-on with AR: Impact on Sensory Brand Experience and Intention to Use the Mobile App. Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences, Vol 24(S1), pp. 1-16.
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  122. Gupta, R., & Nair, K.S. (2021). Masstige Value of Smartphone Brands: Impact on Egoistic Value Orientation of Indian Consumers. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 20 (6).
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  124. Harazneh, I., Adaileh, M., Thbeitat, A., Afaneh, S., Khanfar, S., Harasis, A., & Elrehail, H. (2020). The impact of quality of services and satisfaction on customer loyalty: The moderate role of switching costs. Management Science Letters, 10(8), 1843-1856.
  125. Ibrahim, B., Aljarah, A., Hazzam, J., Elrehail, H., & Qalati, S. A. (2023). Investigating the Impact of Social Media Marketing on Intention to Follow Advice: The Mediating Role of Active Participation and Benevolence Trust. FIIB Business Review, 23197145221147991.
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  127. Jahmani, K., Fadiya, S.O., Abubakar, A.M. and Elrehail, H. (2018). Knowledge content quality, perceived usefulness, KMS use for sharing and retrieval: A flock leadership application. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 48 (4), 470-490.
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  141. Krishnareddy, K., Aravinda, T. V., Nair, K., Patel, U. K., Sadvokasova, G., & Susan, V. S. (2022). AI-based Fuzzy Clustering System for Improving Customer Relationship Management. 2022 Sixth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud). (Scopus).
  142. Khassawneh, O., & Elrehail, H. (2022). The Effect of Participative Leadership Style on Employees’ Performance: The Contingent Role of Institutional Theory. Administrative Sciences, 12(4), 195.
  143. Karam, A., Ashill, N., Jayashree, P., & Lindsay, V.J. (2022). Localization in the United Arab Emirates: The Influence of Organizational Socialization and Stereotypes on Employee Retention. Personnel Review Vol. ahead-of-print (Impact Factor 3.15; A on ABDC list)
  144. Kumra, S., Lindsay, V. J., & Waxin, M.-F. (2022). What can we learn about cross-cultural adjustment from Self-Initiated Expatriates? Organizational Dynamics. (Journal Ranking A on ABDC list).
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  146. Khatwani R, & Mishra, M. (2021). Qualitative construction of growth stock portfolios – score based approach, Journal of Statistics Applications and Probability (Scopus Q3).
  147. Kulkarni, & Mishra, M. (2022). Aspects of Women leadership in organization: Systematic Literature Review. South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management (Scopus Q3).
  148. Kumar, P., Saxena, C., & Baber, H. (2021). Learner-content interaction in e-learning-the moderating role of perceived harm of COVID-19 in assessing the satisfaction of learners. Smart Learning Environments, 8(1), 1-15. (Scopus Q1).
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  151. Mishra, M., & Abhijeet Deshpande (2023). Investigating entrepreneurial competency in emerging markets: a thematic analysis, Int. J. Business and Globalisation, Vol. 33, Nos. ½. (Scopus Q4).
  152. Mishra, M., Justin Paul, & Michael Czinkota (2022) Revisiting Models of Internationalization: Pre-Export Phase and Lateral Rigidity of Emerging Market SMEs, Thunderbird International Business Review (Scopus Q1, ABDC-B).
  153. Mishra, M., & Abhijeet Deshpande, (2020). Investigating Entrepreneurial Competency in Emerging Markets: A Thematic Analysis”, Int. J. of Business and Globalization (IJBG), (Scopus Indexed).
  154. Mishra, M. (2018). Influence of Public Policy on Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Study of Indian Manufacturing SMEs, Conference Proceedings indexed with Thomson Reuters Web of Science & Elsevier Scopus Indexed, ISBN, 978-1-911218-70-8.
  155. Mishra, M., Akriti Chaubey, Ritesh Khatwani, Kiran Nair(2023). Overcoming barriers in automotive SMEs to attain international competitiveness: An ISM approach modeling. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Vol. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/JBIM-12-2022-0546 (Scopus Q1, ABDC-A).
  156. Mishra, M., Awasthi A., & Saxena A. (2017). Ethics of Care Vs Ethics of Justice: Ethical Dilemma Faced by HR Managers, PURSHARTHA, Vol. X No. 1, 53-59 (Scopus Q4)
  157. Mishra, M., & Mithlesh, K. (2017). Make in India: Implications and Expectations of Automobile Industry”, International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, (Scopus Indexed).
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  159. Mishra, (2020). Policies to nurture Dwarfs or Infant MSMEs? Job creation and productivity dilemma of Indian policymakers: a narrative policy framework, Small Enterprise Research, (ABDC & WOS).
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  161. Malodia, S., Dhir, A. Mishra, M., & Bhatti, Z. A. (2021). Future of E government: An integrated conceptual framework. Technological Forecasting and Social Change (ABDC rank A /Scopus list, Q1).
  162. Khatwani, R., Mishra, M., Madhura Bedarkar, Kiran Nair, & Janki Mistry (2023). Impact of Blockchain on Financial Technology Innovation in the Banking, Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI) Sector, Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability 12(1), 181- 189 (2023) (Scopus Q4).
  163. Malodia, S., Mishra, M., Monica, Armando Papa, & Luca Dezi (2023). To digit or to head? Designing digital transformation journey of SMEs among digital self-efficacy and professional leadership, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 157, March 2023, 113547 (Scopus Q1, ABDC-A).
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  166. Mateev, M., and Nasr, T. (2023). Banking system stability in the MENA region: The impact of market power and capital requirements on banks’ risk-taking behavior. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management (Vol. ahead-of-print) https://doi.org/10.1108/IMEFM-05-2022-0198 (ADBS list – rank B; SJR /Scopus Q2).
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  192. Nair, K.S. (2019). Paradigm shifts in Indian Retail – Trends and Prospects: International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 18(4), 518 – 529 (ABDC List- rank C & CABS)
  193. Nair, K. S. James,W. & Shilbayeh,S. (2019). An Analysis of the Role of Motivation in Leadership Styles Utilized by Today’s Leaders in the “SMART” Organizations in the United Arab Emirates. American Journal of Business and Management 8(1), 11-17.
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  202. Pillai, M., Nair, K. S., & Radhakrishnan, L. (2018). Does Indian Public Sector Aim for a Better Talent Acquisition Practices: A Study Based on Public Sector Experiences in India. International Journal of Business and General Management (IJBGM) 7(6), 6, 31-48.
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  213. Rehman, S. U., Elrehail, H., Alshwayat, D., Ibrahim, B., & Alami, R. (2023). Linking hotel environmental management initiatives and sustainable hotel performance through employees’ eco-friendly behaviour and environmental strategies: a moderated-mediated model. European Business Review, (ahead-of-print).
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  217. Samarah, T., Bayram, P., Aljuhmani, H.Y. & Elrehail, H. (2021). The role of brand interactivity and involvement in driving social media consumer brand engagement and brand loyalty: the mediating effect of brand trust. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, Vol. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/JRIM-03-2021-0072.
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Dr. Miroslav Mateev
Professor of Management and Director of Research

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