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ADSM student selected as SEMI FINALIST of United States GIST TECH-I 2014 Competition

We would like to congratulate Hessa Al Shehhi and Khadija Al Shehhi for their SLE project, ‘Sustainable Carpet’ being selected as a SEMI FINALIST by the United States Department of State, Global Innovation Through Science and Technology GIST TECH-I 2014 Competition.

The next stage of the competition is the global public voting phase in which we will need to get as many people as we know to vote on their project to have a chance of winning a trip to the Finals on 18th – 21st November in Marrakech, Morocco. Voting ends on Monday September 30th

To vote, please visit www.aaas.org/tech-i/vote and scroll down to view the list of TECH-I 2014 SEMI-FINALISTS. Please choose Category > Middle East > Energy and click on Vote for Hessa Al Shehhi’s Video.

We need all your help and support and this stage, and wish the team the best of luck and a chance to reach the Finals!

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